Want to get involved? You’ve come to the right place!


As a 501(c)3 non-profit operating in the District of Columbia we would love to have your support! Consider becoming a monthly contributor — even a small amount helps!

Your charitable donation helps us on our mission to support the dc community by funding future DCSPC educational events that give the opportunity for artists to explore the human condition and the art of public spaces through photography.

Photo Meet-ups/Walks

THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH is designated for the collective to have a photo walk/meet up.

Keep in mind our schedules are hectic just like yours! If collective members are available to do it, we’ll schedule a meet up and post about it on instagram.

Depending on the amount of people who attend we’ll either walk as a group or split up into smaller groups in a predetermined area. Then later, we’ll reconvene at the pub for a pint and wait for the whole thing to blow over.

Come hang out and take pictures with community and #dc_spc members

Usually we try to coincide these events with something going on in DC. Otherwise we set the times to when the light is nice!  

We encourage all photographers, of all backgrounds and skill levels to come hangout with like-minded individuals at the forefront of street photography in DC today. Both film, digital, and heck even phones are acceptable.


Critiques are an invaluable asset to have as a photographer. They are safe places for photographers to share and constructively talk about photography with the sole purpose of becoming stronger photographers.

Stay informed by following us on Facebook and Instagram and you’ll never miss a free event!!

Typically we have public critiques once every 2 months at venues around DC, at residences, and outside if the weather is nice!

Come show photos or just hang out! We try to have food and drinks but its all out of members pockets so donations are always nice.

Funky Dance Parties w/ Photo Slideshow

Occasionally we like to get funky.

You should get funky with us too

To get your photos featured at one of these events, stay glued to the facebook/instagram page for our next call to artists!


We are currently working on permanent gallery to show our work once a year.

Do you know a gallery in the district that would like to show our work? Drop us a line:



Books - Always a limited edition of 200—no more, no less. Treat yourself with a photo book to get you through the day. Check out our newest book, “BAD DAY“ (SOLD OUT)

Apparel - we’ve got sweatshirts, regular shirts and they’re sweet. All proceeds go the DC SPC a 501(c)3 operating in the district. contact thedcspc@gmail.com

Workshops - certain members offer street photography workshops. Be sure to follow our members and @dc_spc on instagram to stay in the know!